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Pink Evening Primrose - Oenothera speciosa

Chakra 6

How challenging the habitat be, I spread my leaves wherever I can. Even little moisture can make me spring up. My soft-pink blooms impart a mild aroma of bubblegum and can’t be ever missed!! Find me as a naturalized plant all over southwest America. Just as my habit, my essence brings you the spirit of a fearless and welcoming mind.


An open and adaptive mind can take up varying challenges of life. They are not afraid from getting into action. My floral essence created under a Wesak full moon, imparts the same. Be the owner of a strong mind ready to take on challenges and bring up creative ideas. Bond into a flexible and deeply committed relationship, with an open mind. And my essence helps you achieve the same.

Pink Evening Primrose - Earth Spirit Connection

  • 1 fl oz - 30ml

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